Wednesday, 30 October 2013


                                        OCTOBER 2013 UPDATE FROM SIERRA LEONE.
In the words of the Apostle Paul in 1Cor. 1:4-9 say, “I always thank God for you, because of the grace given you in Christ Jesus. For in him you have been enriched in every way in all you’re speaking and in all your knowledge. Because our testimony about Christ was confirmed in you. Therefore you do not lack any Spiritual gift as you eagerly wait for our lord Jesus Christ to be revealed. He will keep you strong to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. God, who has called you into fellowship with his son Jesus Christ our Lord is FAITHFUL “
 Once more I bring you Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, we indeed always give thanks to God because of you that are supporting and praying for us in the mission Field, God indeed has been revealing his love, kindness, grace upon the people of         Sierra Leone in Various ways, both in the special and general revelation, we live, and work to give testimony about Christ.
ISTALLATION OF ELDERS FOR KABALA CHURCH: For us as a young growing Christian Reformed Church in Sierra Leone, we decided to go by the Reformed practices of election and installation of elders and Deacons. This was the first of it to be done and so after the election of elders and deacons for Kabala church which was done on September 22nd, and the 29th, we did the installation.
SYNOD: The month of October has come and is going. As a Nigerian, the Month of October always reminds us of the grace of God, as we celebrate the independent of our Nation. But this year, we celebrated it Not only outside Nigeria but in a special way in the mission field in Sierra Leone. October 1 was the first day of our synod meeting here in Kabala. The Eleven Consistories were represented each with two delegates and the Three RCC [classis] has three officials. In all we were to have thirty one voting delegates but eventually we had thirty. One did not come.

  Adoption of condition of service: In the meeting held in April, the constitution of the Church was adopted, while delegates were asked to go read the Document on the condition of service for the church and then come with either suggestion or amendment, if there are any. Interestingly there was only but one contending issues, and that is the age for retirement from active service. It was more like an argument between the old and the young. The older wanted the retirement age for pastors to be at seventy [70] while the young want it at sixty five. It took almost three hours debating, and finally they ended up voting on either to keep the retirement age at 65 or 70. Finally to bring the matter to an end, it was settled at 65 for retirement age for all church workers.
GREETINGS FROM CRWM: We were blessed by the visit of representative from CRWM in USA and Canada. Mr. Ron and Sue Geerlings who is the west Africa Director for World mission , brought greetings from the world mission office in Grand Rapids, and Sue Geerlings read a written greetings from Paul and Mary Kortenhoven,. Reading Paul, message to the Synod, brought back a lot of memories of missionaries who were here in the 1980s and also during the war. It was through their selfless service and commitment to the kingdom work that today we are having the CRC SL. A minute silence was observed to remember those who had gone to be with the Lord during and after their work here in Sierra Leone. Besides that, we also received greetings from the Canada office of World Mission by the director Mr. Steve Kabetu.

Installation of New leaders of CRC SL .

ELECTION OF TRUSTEES AND NATIONAL LEADER: As the church takes shape in having Nationals to head the Church, a four member team of Board of Trustees was elected and installed, those elected were ; Elder Daniel K Koroma, Elder Roberts Jawara, Elder James T Koroma and Pastor John K Jalloh. Then on the second day of the Synod which is also second day of the month of October, history was made, as the young church elect their first National Leaders. Those Elected were; Rev. Mamburu B Jalloh , President; Pastor David T Koroma, Vice President, Elder John Yarwa Marah , Assistant General Secretary, and Pastor Daniel M Sawaneh , Treasurer. The position of the General secretary was left, which the executive will appoint someone , as the General Secretary will actually be the Administrative officer of the Church, so it need a careful time to search for one.

TRAINING OTHERS:   One of the main purposes of the   TLT is to train lay leaders who will as well train others. Musu B Marah is the women coordinator of the CRC SL, she was one of those that graduated from the Timothy Leadership Training program, together with Rev. M B Jalloh, organized a teaching for the young believers in Saiduya Village. Most of the Christians in the village are new converts who needed the basic teaching about God, Jesus Christ and what it mean to be saved [ salvation] . The program was attended by Christian from Saiduya, Kalkoya, Koinadugu, and Dundukor, totaling 45 people. Also in the Bo region, Morris Sonie was able to use his new found skill and knowledge, in improving the income of the Christian community, which also attracted Mohammed Lahai, in potehun village to accept Jesus as his personal Lord and savior, when he saw the communal work of the Christian in fighting poverty by using their hands to cultivate and plant Ground Nut [pea nut] to improved their family income, and for family to work and live together in love.
In Kabala Church, is Rosetta F sesay, demonstrating her skill, of new knowledge in the preaching lesson Rosetta is mostly referred as the Evangelist.
RAIN DAMAGE: In the Month of March, it was the beginning of the coming of Rain, when a storm destroyed the Bo Church, but with the commitment and the zeal of the Christian being mobilized by Morris and Mathia, they were able to raise another structure which is still under construction. While we are counting of weeks for the Rain to stop, it was not all that well with the Church in Barli. Pastor Victor Sandi reported that, because of a heavy down pour on 4th of October, part of their building collapse. It now means that there has to be rebuilding during the dry season.
NEW COMMUNITY: HILTOP, is a community, in Upper Beccle Street, wellington, a suburb of Freetown, Pastor Pessima has helped to establish a community school there that is grant aided by the Government of Sierra Leone. It’s a community mostly populated by Muslims. Pessima and his family started a home cell meeting for prayers and Bible study. With the recommendation of Dr. Conrad, from Canada, we were invited by Pessima to visit the community. We visited them on Friday 18th October. It was amazing to note that they were the only Christian in their neighborhoods. According to him they started the home cell meeting two years ago but now the group has risen to 100 people including children. There are now 45-50 adults that meet in his verandah every Sunday for worship. They now want to be part of the Christian Reformed Church.

Pastor Pessima standing explaining how they started.
DISAGREE TO AGREE:  It was almost going to be a sad moment in the beginning of the nationalization of the Church here. On the 30th Of September [eve of the synod meeting] we received a Letter from the Church in Waterloo that they were not willing to be part of the CRC Church again. During the meeting, it was agreed that a committee be set out and visit the brethren in Waterloo to listen to their grievances, and find a solution  to the problem. Their main complaint was that they were not assisted to get a land for their Church by the mission, to them it was an act of partiality, that it’s more than three years now that they have been requesting but nothing was done about it. We visited and had a six hours meeting with them on 19th October. After a long deliberation and patience listening, there was finally an agreement to continue together. We all understood that the resources cannot reach every church at the same time, and that patiently one day they will receive their assistance to get a land and even build their Church. We praised them for their effort to raise a structure where they now meet even though it is a leased property. We praised God for the understanding and we hope God will open the way for us to be able in the future to have our own CRC land in Waterloo.
NEW STAFF FOR CRC SCHOOL: Beside the new, teaching staff from USA and Canada [Krissi and Sarah] the school board has employed an accountant to handle the books [finance] of the school this will enhance accountability and stewardship of the school. The school is now on a week break, they call it midterm break.

: Mrs. Sia mullah school accountant.
WORSHIP SYMPOSIUM IN CALVIN: This year, we are fortunate to be invited to attend next year January, annual symposium, organized by the Calvin institute of Christian worship in Grand Rapids. We have identified two persons here who are very active and committed to the worship life in the church which we would like them to attend. We believed that their participation at the symposium will really shape the worship life of the church here in Sierra Leone. We hope that upon their return, they will not only use their new ideas for the CRC Church alone but for the benefit of the Christian Churches in Sierra Leone.
It is estimated that for the two of them, we will need at least $4000 for their air ticket. This was not initially in our budget, so we will need your helps in this regards to enable James Promise and Emil Fillie to attend. They will be attending Visa interview on November 25th in Freetown. The organizer of the Symposium are willing to provide logistic, accommodation and feeding for them while they will be in Grand Rapids, for a week, beginning January 28th 2014.
TRAVELLING:  November 1, I will be travelling to Nigeria to see my Daughter, and also to attend the Synod of the CRC Nigeria, where I will be giving report concerning the work here in Sierra Leone, I do hope to return on December 1. With this, November update may be delay, or may not be available until I come. So you may likely have it with December update.
KABALA WOMEN THANKSGIVING: We praise the name of the Lord for the success of this year Women thanksgiving service. It ‘s almost a common tradition across most Churches here in Kabala [Sierra Leone] that a Sunday is dedicated to Women. CRC Churches are not left out in this importance activity. This year’s program falls on Sunday 27th October. The theme for this year was taking from Proverbs 31:10- 30. ‘A woman of noble Character” the main Speaker was Mrs. Jemimah Bahago. Women from other Churches were invited as well, each women groups from the Churches presented special songs related to the theme of the program. The worship was full of excitement, dancing, offerings and testimonies of God’s grace on the lives of the Women. The Women did lead the worship, all through. It was also one of the happiest moments in the Church, as eight people came to the Church for the first time; three of them pledge to become Christian.

Mrs. Jemimah Bahago, preaching, [above] and a cross section of CRC kabala women, singing and dancing.
APPRECIATION: We continue to express our gratitude to you all for your prayers, support for the work here. Rev. Sudu and i, and our families really appreciate your supports. I wish to also thank you for your prayers for Johncalvin. After his arrival, he went to take the entrance examination at the University of Makeni. God did favor him; he was accepted into the University to study a degree in Public Administration. Our prayer is that God will continue to give him the wisdom and knowledge to be able to finish successfully.

1.       Thank God for our health.
2.       Thank God for the success of the Synod meeting.
3.       Thank God for the Election of first National leaders for the Church.
4.       Thank God for Johncalvin Admission in the University.
5.       Pray for God’s guidance and wisdom on the leadership of the CRC SL
6.       Pray for our brethren in Waterloo, that God will give them the spirit to work with others as a team.
7.       Pray for the brethren in Beccle Street, Wellington as they decide to be part of the CRC here in Sierra Leone. They will experience God’s grace.
8.       Pray for the Church in Barli [Bo] as they plan to rebuild their Church that fall as a result of heavy downpour
9.       God willing I will be travelling to Nigeria on Nov.1 to return Dec. 1. Pray for journey mercy, and for the success of the CRC Nigeria Synod.
10.   Pray for our members who are mostly Farmer, as they have started harvesting their crops.

CONCLUSION: Brethren, the Month of October, as I said earlier, has gone down in History in the Growth of the CRC Sierra Leone, we now have Nationals, who will decide the Future of the Church. We will continue to work alongside the Leaders to help establish, good Leadership and continue to preach the Gospel that the Church will grow. We will like to assure you that your Gifts are been used to the glory of God and for the growth of the Church. Do continue to pray for us and give your support as usual through World Mission. Remember your gift makes a different in the life of an individual in bringing him Closer to God.

Rev. Istifanus Bala Bahago
        CRC-SL /CRWM mission field Sierra Leone.
+232 78-26-42-40
+232 77-66-81-39

Friday, 27 September 2013



“AND WE KNOW THAT IN ALL THINGS, GOD WORKS FOR THE GOOD OF THOSE WHO LOVE HIM, WHO HAVE BEEN CALLED ACCORDING TO HIS PURPOSE” [ROM.8:28].  Indeed by this scripture verse, we are more convinced that God calls us to serve in Sierra Leone for a purpose, that  purpose is to win souls to him, for many are dying in their sins, many are indeed hunger for the spiritual food   for their souls.
BAPTISM IN KABALA CHURCH:  We continue to give glory and honor unto God‘s name for the harvest of souls we are experiencing here. This month as in August, it started with the Baptism of nineteen [19] believers in the Church here in Kabala, on the 1st day of the Month. We thank God for these new members in the Church, our prayers is that the Lord will keep them strong in the Faith. The Baptism was conducted by Me, Rev. MB Jalloh and Benjamin Koroma. Rev Jalloh and Benjamin are two out of the three indigenous ordained pastors we have in the CRC Church. It was a baptism for the new believers as well as a learning process for the indigenous Pastors, as time will come that they will be doing these themselves.

It is more than two years now since the youth coordinator of the Church Mr. Maxwell Kanu Left for studies in Nigeria. Rev. Edison Kamara was asked to step in, in an acting capacity. Until now we are able to find a person who is willing to take that position. He is Alpha Kargbo. Alpha has since reported to begin work on the 2nd of September. Alpha is married with two children a boy and a girl; he is an active member in the Kabala Church, good in the Choir. He was among the three persons trained by Mr. Bawa to take care of the Boys Brigade. With his training on working with the young people we believe that Alpha will move the youth of the CRC Sierra Leone forward in the fear of God and also in the area of Church growth especially among the young group of the Church.
TRAINING FOR EFFECTIVE EVANGELISM: In our efforts to intensify the evangelism unit of the Church as a department in the Church that will have her own Board, there is a need to train someone that will handle the work. In view of that, we have sent Rev. Edison Marvelous Kamara, who is the evangelism coordinator of the Church for a further training. Rev. Edison has now gone to Nigeria, for training at the institute of evangelism and Church Planting in Jos. It is a school we have trained some of our Nigerian staff.
 One of the Local Consistories of the CRC Nigeria, Abuja, has accepted and paid for his fee for the Training.  We praise God for the help from the CRC Abuja Church, and also world mission for paying his air ticket. Rev. Kamara will return in December when the training would have completed. Please do pray for Rev. Kamara for the success of the training in JOS Nigeria.
Rev. Edison Kamara.
KONDEMBAIA AND OTHER VILLAGES:  Though because of the nature of the roads here during this raining period, we could not be able to travel much to the villages, but not withstanding, the few surrounding villages, we were able to visit and encourage the believers in those places such as Saiduya, Dankawali and Kondebaia. , kondembaia was one of the villages that Rev. Edison was visiting before he left for Nigeria. We have asked Alpha Kargbo to continue to do that. Recently he organized a weekend revival a revival, prayer and fasting in the church. It was quite an interesting program. He reported that, the people show a life of commitment in the program, they were able to have an attendance of 30 people that weekend in the Church. As some of you may be familiar  with the area we are working, its predominantly Muslins community, and more so during this raining season,  for a church in such a place to have an attendance on Sunday up to that number, it shows a big breakthrough in their lives. In Saiduya, Mrs. Musu Marah volunteers to be with them every Sunday. Pa Sorrie, one of the early converts in the village, from Islam to Christianity, was rejected by his Family members and peer in the community, including his wife, who left him to get marry to another man. From the stories, people in His village refuse to give him any of their daughters as a wife unless he comes back to Islam. He refused to yield to their intimidation and stood firmed in his new found Faith in Christ. Recently He found a woman outside his community, a Christian Widow who agreed to be married to pa Sorrie. It was a big celebration in Saiduya that Pa Sorrie has gotten a wife. He said, “I thank God of the Christians and also the love that is in Christianity. Now Satan has been put to shame” pa Sorrie is about 65 years old.
 BEGINNING COUNCIL MEETINGS:  One of the topics we taught in our leadership training for the nationals is the office of the elder and that of Deacon. Recently the Kabala Church which is the leading Church of the CRC, conducted elections for the offices, they resolved to let the congregation elect elders and deacons for the church. Church members were given the opportunity to nominate persons, and then Election was conducted.
YOUTH CAMP  The Youth Alliance for Jesus, in Sierra Leone, is an organization formed to bring young people from different Christian denominations in Sierra Leone to foster unity among the body of Christ and to mentor them into good spiritual life. That is based on Christian value. This year, a Camp training was organized; I was invited to be one of the Facilitators at the Camp. The Theme for this year was “UNCOMMON LEADERSHIP”.
I was asked to teach on three topics namely “QUALIFICATION FOR MINISTRY, WISE CHOICE OF CAREER AND EVANGELISM A COMMAND FROM GOD”. The Campers came from different Churches across Sierra Leone. Six Youth from the CRC Kabala represented the Church.
We give thanks to God for his constant answer to prayers. We also want to thank our North American partners in the mission work here in Sierra Leone. At the start of the work here, one of the challenges I saw was the need for a means of transportation for our evangelists in the villages. In my July updates, I reported that some of the money has come and we started buying the motorcycles. On Monday 9th September, we started distribution of these bikes to the Evangelists. So far we have given out Ten Motorcycles. It was a great joy and jubilation as they take these bikes to the villages where they are.
This time we decided to go for a different model of the motorcycles they are called TVS. Made in INDIA. These bikes are now very common here and are being used by the commercial riders to take people to the villages. The parts are easily available since they are the mostly found in the market. Also they are easy to maintain, and its fuel consumptions is less compare to the others. We do believe that these bikes will really help the Evangelists in their movements to the villages were they are working.
W e continues to give thanks to God for the acceptance and recognition that both the community and the churches here give to the Christian Reformed church. The CRC is seen as a role model in the community. Recently, the council of Churches in Sierra Leone, besides selecting the CRC to facilitate in a program that identifies vulnerable Children that cannot go to school to get them back to school. The CCSL has been selected to undergo a justice program that promote Traditional law, under a program called Access to justice and security program [ASJP] it is an attempt to see what is good about the application of Customary law and how to strengthen its application, to get to the facts on ground, to see if there are any gaps, to clarify any customary/ civil law issues. It will help ensure that customary law application is inclusive, promotes access to security and justice and it will help in documenting the traditional laws for the community[  chiefdom].At the end of the findings, these laws will be written and used by the community. To do this, the Council of churches in Sierra Leone, asked the CRC, being a strong member of the body, and her presence in the district, to supervise the exercise.
In Africa especially in Sierra Leone, I have heard that life expectancy is between 40 to 45 years. One of the reasons put forward for this, is poor health care facility, poverty etc. For pa Nabieu Lasayor, though he did not have formal Education nor live in a place where there is good health facility. But the grace of God kept him alive up to now. This man may be above one hundred and twenty years old. He has now found a savior, ‘JESUS CHRIST” pa Lasayor worship at CRC Church in Barli. Tikonko Chiefdom in Bo District ,in his testimony. Pa Lasayor said he was one of the laborers that work in the construction of one of the oldest school in the district. That is the popular Bo boys’ secondary school which was established
in 1906. The question is how old was pa Lasayor when he was doing this labor?  He said to me “my joy today is that if I should die today, I am dying as a Christian. God kept me alive so that I should know Jesus and believe him so that when I die I go to Heaven”. He spoke to me in the Mende language and the Evangelist Victor Sandi translated to me. The Evangelist in Barli testified that Pa Lasayor never misses service including midweek services or any activity of the Church. He can still walk two to three miles to visit with other Church members to neighboring villages of Yoviama, and potehun.

W e gives thanks to God for the continued growth of the churches in the Eastern Region of Sierra Leone. Just as I reported some time ago, the church in Bo has been roof, they are now trying to fix the doors and the windows of the building. And in Barli, they built a parsonage last year and this year they bought Zinc and roof it. Evangelist Victor Sandi and his family are living in the House. Victor‘s wife has given birth to a baby boy “Mark Victor”.

O n 18th September, Rev. Ezekiel return from Nigeria where he had being for two months Home service visiting the churches and telling them about the work here in Sierra Leone. From his report, the church in Nigeria shows a great interest in the ministry in which Ezekiel is doing here in Sierra Leone as +the Training coordinator for the young Sierra Leonean Church. It was a time too for him to meet with his relatives. We thank God for your prayers for the safety of Rev. Sudu in travels. He as now resumed work here.
  Also my son Johncalvin came along with Sudu to join us here in Sierra Leone. We now have three of our children with us. Continue to Pray for Joyce, she is our oldest daughter left in Nigeria going to the University. She is feeling very lonely, but we are encouraging her, as we call her every day, to keep connected.

The Kabala Pastoral council, is a council of the various Christian denomination in the district, with the exception of the Roman Catholic who do not associate with other Christian in the area, the reason is best known to them. On September 21, the group organized a retreat for the pastors in the district; I was the main Teacher at the program.         The Theme for the retreat teaching was,” the Biblical Role of the pastor in the Church and the Community, the spiritual Life of the pastor and also the Pastor as a Disciple “    it was a great moment, for me to be part of the retreat not only that but as the main resource person from the reformed tradition. It gives us an opportunity to present the reformed and world life view to other denominations in the area. Indeed the CRC is seen as a role model in the leadership of the Pastoral Council in the District.
    SCHOOLS RE-OPENED IN KABALA  :The month of September, is the month, in which most schools in Sierra Leone re opens to begin a new school year. It is a period for promotion to the new grade of the school year and also a new year for beginners. The CRC school in Kabala, first re opened on the 10th of September for the Primary school section and then on 16th September saw the secondary section as well. It was a moment of joy for students meeting their friends and welcoming new teachers. The CRC was very fortunate to have two new Teachers from North America [Canada and USA]. Though at the beginning as well, two National Teachers resign their appointment with the School. But the coming of these new teachers was a big relief and God Answered prayers for the School.
    Emmanuel Sudu who will be Three comes December, began his first Day in the kindergarten, this September with great Joy to see himself with his age mate in the play class.

A three days prayer was declared for September 26 to 28, in the entire Church in preparation for the Synod meeting and the Election of National Leaders for the Church. The two days Synod will begin on 1st October and end on the 2nd, the Election will be done on the second day of the meeting. We organized three days prayers to seek God’s guidance in the process. Below is a schedule of our prayer programe.please pray with us.

5:30 a.m. – Beginning of fast and end at 6:30 p.m. daily:Introduction:  1 Samuel 16:7 “......." Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him.  The Lord does not look at the things man looks at.  Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 
Activities/Prayer Items:
(1)          5:30 a.m. personal devotion at home
(2)          5:00 p.m.-6:30 p.m. each day – Worship in the various churches
a)      Call to Worship
 b) Opening prayer
c) Hymn
 d)   Praise and Worship
e)  Short Exhortation from scripture
 f) Prayer session
          g) Announcement
h) Closing prayer
DAY I     - 26TH SEPTEMBER, 2013.
(1) Praise God for his care and protection over our lives
(2)  Thank God for CRC-SL
(3)  Thank God for our Pastors/Reverends
(4)  Thank God for the success of election of RCC Officials
(5)  Thank God for the success in the election of Elders and Deacons
(6)  Thank God for the success in last April GCC/Synod meeting that adopted a constitution
       Of the CRC-SL.
(7)  Thank God for the Growth of CRC-SL
(8)  Thank God for the lives of our Consultant in CES and CRC-SL
(9)  Thank God for our children that has return to school after the holiday
(10) Thank God for successful home service for Rev. James Ezekiel Sudu
(1) Pray  for the continued growth of CRC-SL
(2) Pray  for the new elected Elders/Deacons in the various churches for wisdom
(3) Pray  for the newly elected RCC Officials in all the three RCCs we have in CRC-SL
(4) Pray  for the unity and love among our Elders and Deacons
(5) Pray  for wisdom upon the RCC Officials
(6) Pray  for the members of our churches:  Men, women, youth and children for the fear
     of God and spiritual growth.
(7)  Pray  for all our Pastors in the CRC-SL
(8) Pray  for continued peace in Sierra Leone
(9) Pray  for wisdom for our staff in CRC-SL, CES, CRC-School.
(10) Pray  for the leadership of the Women Fellowship in CRC-SL.
(1)    Pray  for continued unity in CRC-SL
(2)    Pray  for the continued growth of the church
(3)    Pray  for open-doors in various communities for Evangelism
Pray  for commitment of workers
(4)    Pray  for our partners in USA, CANADA, NIGERIA, ZAMBIA
(5)    Pray  for Ron Geerlings, his wife and Kabetu as they will be visiting us for journey mercy.
(6)    Pray  for journey mercy to all the delegates to the Synod meeting
(7)    Pray  for spirit of understanding and oneness in the deliberation at
             the Synod meeting.
(8)    Pray  that God will choose for the church the first National Leaders after His heart.
      (10) Pray against any Spirit of the flesh on the election of our leaders
(11) Pray that God Will choose for us leaders who will work, and not just to get
        Position and sleep over it.
(12) Pray  that the election of leaders will bring unity and continued growth of the Church.
      (13) Pray for wisdom and commitment on the leaders to be elected
(14)  Pray against tribal or sectional sentiment on the election.
(15)  Pray that God will give our missionaries the wisdom to lead in the election process
(16)  Pray for any other issues that the Lord will lay in your heart to pray for the church
         in Sierra Leone.
APRECIATION  :We continue to express our gratefulness to all of you for your prayers and support for the work in Sierra Leone. My Son Johncalvin arrived safely with Rev. Sudu; we are hoping that he will be able to secure admission at the Makeni University. By next week [first week of October] he will be attending interview at the University.
 CONCLUSION:  October will be our month of making history in the first Election of National Leaders. We are so excited to see that happen. God is doing tremendous work of saving lives in Sierra Leone. Please join the team of supporters of the ministry here in Sierra Leone, continue to give to world mission, so that they will assist the various mission fields.

REV.Istifanus B.Bahago.
Consultant CRWM/CRC SL