Tuesday, 16 April 2013

This is a Church in mamburia. in the Tonkolili District.

Where will God hear us?The village of Mamburia is off the road to Makeni from sambaia Bendugu, From the story we got in this village was that there use to be a few christian present there . but one day the devil  attack them as was in the church history in present day north Africa.
 There is a man in this village who claimed to have had a dream about Jesus Christ, who told his followers not to follow him, that Islam was the only true religion. he calls himself a prophet. he went to several villages preaching his so called dream. as the scripture said . those that were not rooted in the Christian Faith, backslid ed. the church was almost , non existence. But thank to the faith of few faithful who stood their ground dis-pact the persecution by this man and his followers.
 Today they erected the above structure as a place of worship. the small footpath beside it is the road to the traditional shrine. they were consider as outcast, hence the will be greeted by the evil spirit when they come to town. interestingly non of the evil spirit  has ever attack them.
  we encouraged them to remain faithful . that is not were we worship , but whom we worship sincerely from our heart.we may be fortunate to have a nice auditorium to worship or not but when we worship God in truth and in spirit , he will hear us and blessed us.
 The interesting thing now is that this so called dreamer ,has been discovered to be a deceiver and he was caught  having affairs with peoples wives who were following him as their leader. and so many have deserted him. though he has caused a lot of havoc in that church, but the faithful are willing and desirous to continue.Presently there are eleven people that still go to church, they are determined to evangelize and win more souls to the Lord.
The dreamer"s name is Karamogo Lansana Marah.
Please pray for the people of Mamburia the few believers that they will remain faithful.
Pray too that Mr. Marah. will repent of his blasphemy and accept Jesus as his Savior as was with the Apostle Paul.
Pray for Mr.Daniel D Sesay , the prayer leader for Mamburia to remain strong to guide the few believers.
Pray, and assist the few believers there to have a place of worship. they are planing to build a place for worship.

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